Proposition 5 establishes the Texas University Fund, creating a permanent endowment to significantly boost the research capabilities of four Texas universities, including the University of Houston.
APPROVED: Proposition 5 creates the Texas University Fund (TUF), a $3.4 billion research endowment for four Texas public universities.
For more information, please feel free to reach out to Glen Austin at
Proposition 6 creates the New Water Supply for Texas Fund, the Statewide Water Public Awareness Account, and the Texas Water Fund to address critical water challenges across the state.
APPROVED: Proposition 6 assists in the financing of water projects to address the diminishing water supply of Texas.
For more information, please feel free to reach out to Coalter Baker at
Proposition 8 creates the Broadband Infrastructure Fund to facilitate equitable access to reliable, high-speed internet statewide, enabling local communities to thrive through expanding broadband investment.
APPROVED: Proposition 8 creates the Broadband Infrastructure Fund (BIF) to expand equitable access to reliable, high-speed broadband across Texas.
For more information, please feel free to reach out to Laura Alexander at
Proposition 10 exempts medical or biomedical product manufacturers' equipment or inventory from ad valorem taxation to protect our health care network and strengthen the Texas medical supply chain.
APPROVED: Proposition 10 establishes Texas as a competitive state in the biomedical manufacturing industry.
For more information, please feel free to reach out to Stephen Reynolds at
Harris County Proposition A seeks voter approval of a $2.5 billion bond authorization to finance the rebuilding and upgrading of the hospital district’s facilities.
APPROVED: Harris County Proposition A ensures the Harris County hospital district can continue serving our residents.
For more information, please feel free to reach out to Stephen Reynolds at
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